Analytics & Big Data

Our area is certified in quality, which allows us to offer quality products and services to guarantee the satisfaction of our customers.


Strategic Planning

Use strategic planning methodologies and tools to plan, budget, predict and measure the performance of your business based on your actual and budgeted data. Automate your planning, budgeting and forecasting processes. Align your corporate strategy with operational processes and review your status with dashboards and strategic reports.

Take advantage of the evolution of technology and get insights and appropriate responses, adjust plans in real time, and adapt to changes quickly. Integrate and consolidate the information distributed throughout the organization, create analysis scenarios and collaborate with your team generating valuable information for decision making.


Adapt to changes


Align your strategy


Information of value for
decision making


Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is one of the first practices that your organization should adopt. You can collect data from different sources and turn it into valuable information to improve decision making. By applying these practices, you will exploit your data like never before, accessing the most relevant information, more effectively and with a specific objective for analysis.

• Integrate your data with automated and governed processes.
• Store your data in analytical repositories according to its structure and complexity.
• Choose the visualization for your data that best represents what you need to communicate.
• Enable governed self-service to users in your organization for creating dashboards and reports.


Take advantage of your
data to the max


Automatic processes
and governed


creating dashboards
and reports


Advanced Analytics

As the business increases its knowledge of its organization's data, the needs for analytics and answers grow faster. You can use advanced data visualization and processing practices to gain insight into your data. Apply statistical techniques, regressions and data mining to predict behaviors, trends and habits of the variables that have the greatest influence on your business.

Use machine learning models, train them and get the possible future results of your most important processes, metrics and variables. Use clustering or segmentation techniques when you need to group a set of items, such as customers, based on their attributes. This will allow you to analyze the information more deeply and find hidden or similar patterns of behavior between the groups.


Advanced practices


Statistical techniques
for predict behaviors


Automatic Learning

World of

Data Science

Evolve in the world of data, data science is today the new unicorn of technology. Apply these practices to begin the road to artificial intelligence and platform, process, and analytics modernization. Discover patterns in your data and generate predictions using algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence techniques. With the volume and variety of data from social networks, applications, mobiles and devices, along with new technologies and tools, data science today plays an important role in understanding the "new world" of data. Use the latest technologies on the market such as Python, R, SQL, and data science libraries.


Evolve in the world
of the data


Machine Learning
and Artificial Intelligence


Latest market


Big Data

Use this concept regarding the processing and analysis of large volumes of data to gain insight into the large set of data that exists in your organization and thus discover new strategies for your business. Due to the great growth of information, the Big Data infrastructure will be a very important pillar for its processing, we have specialists who help our clients choose the right components and platforms for the needs of storing, processing and analyzing large volumes of data.

An important challenge is to apply Big Data data analytics, we choose the best and most appropriate tools to analyze and visualize data from different sources, to be able to integrate them and make it possible for users to share them with their teams. When we work with Big Data projects, where it is necessary to relate different sources of information and data to be integrated, the concept of “data governance” appears, which is extremely important to bring clarity of concepts to the business, to know what the key data are, to group them into ecosystems and monetize the most important asset of the company.


Discover the best insight
of your business


Tools for analyze and
visualize the data


The importance of
"Rule the Data"



We are a multi-technological organization, where we first analyze the needs of our clients, their context, costs and possible solutions, and then recommend the most appropriate data analytics technologies and practices. In the market there is a wide variety of tools, and based on our experience we select the best for each client. We are partners of the main “World Class” companies and we use their Analytics and Big Data technologies, such as MICROSOFT, IBM, AWS, GOOGLE CLOUD, SAP and GUIDEWIRE. In addition, we also use the main Open Source technologies, such as PENTAHO, ELASTICSEARCH, KIBANA, METABASE, among others.


We are an multi-technological


Associated with the main


Appropriate technologies
for each solution

Quality management

ISO 9001: 2015 certification

SBI Technology is a company specialized in providing Business Intelligence solutions, providing a high added value in the products and services it offers, through its commitment to the process of continuous improvement, always maintaining a service attitude and achieving customer satisfaction. In order to plan, do, verify and act in quality management and the fulfillment of its objectives, the Management has established a Quality Management System based on the following pillars:

1) To achieve customer satisfaction through the implementation of products and services with the latest technology available in the market, and committing to meet the relevant requirements.
2) To train and educate our human resources in order to deliver innovative solutions with high added value to our customers.3) To develop business strategies to improve the company's profitability, based on continuous improvement in all processes involved.
4) To promote Quality Management throughout the company through the commitment of the management and the participation of all personnel.

This policy is assumed by the management and disseminated throughout the context of the organization and its stakeholders, so that participants can understand and act responsibly in compliance with established commitments and relevant requirements, thus ensuring a sustainable development and growth of the entire organization.

SBI Technology
Version 04 - Approved by Management.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification


Quality Management
in the whole field


Achieve the satisfaction
of our clients


Train and train
our HR